John (Chairman), Steve, Yvonne, Gill, Becky, Chris, Jo, Sally, Philippa, Pete, Louise, Emma, Clare, Arthur, Ted, Paula, Matilda, Jill, Steve, Julia, Mike
Previous AGM Minutes (see website):
These were approved.
Chairman’s Report:
Clearance/mower work on route R completed.
Tree clearance route A (Hinton). This required use of digger to pull the fallen trees clear so that they could be safely removed.
Route D Factory Lane. Drainage pipe installed and ditching into the brook . Colin and Clare have also done general clearance work. This is now much improved.
Also general clearance/maintenance work on various other routes including route M (Walters Lane and Hill Houses).
Route N – Site meeting held with Brian Hickman (Council Byways Officer) to look at the dangerous bridge. Council have agreed to repair this and install ant-slip surface.
Route F – Site meeting with SWT to look at drainage improvements to path after crammer gutter as you go up onto the common. We are limited on what we can do as it is SSI. We can re-instate a ditch which is on the uphill side on the right as you go away from crammer gutter.
Route L – Improvement made to the gate at the bottom of the path so that it can be opened more easily. Thanks to Ewald and Alison.
Thanks to all who have helped and in particular John, Steve and Ted.
Balance as of 13th April 2023 is £726.22 During last 12 mths we had an income of £150 council P3 grant. We have outstanding costs for digger and dumper hire and fuel of £350 leaving a balance of £376.22. A fund raising event may be needed later in the year.
Chairman – John Sutton, Secretary/Treasurer – Chris Bargman
Proposed Yvonne, seconded Jo
The AGM was formally closed and the meeting then went on to discuss activities for 2022
Meeting 13th April 2023
A meeting was held following the AGM (see above for attendees)
Issues and work parties
Route R – Keepers Cottage. A gate post has rotted away and the gate and fence fallen down. This has been temporarily moved to the side. The council have supplied a replacement post. An option to remove the gate completely was raised. There is no live stock either side.
ACTION: Clare to approach the landowners either side and suggest removing the gate.
ACTION: Work party to be arranged to either replace gate and post or remove the gate and tidy up fencing.
Route F – Crammer Gutter onto common. Agreed that this should be improved.
ACTION: Steve to met with Chris to look at the ditch and work out best approach for clearing this and improving drainage of the path. A work party will probably be required to clear gorse etc from around the ditch prior to any ditching.
For Information
Facebook – We have a Facebook Group which can be a useful method to post any issues or information.
Website – The website has a map showing the area we cover and the bridleway route letters we use.
The Worcestershire Bridleways and Riders Association have arranged private parking spaces and arrange guided rides which may be of interest.
Useful/recommended Apps for route finding –
The meeting closed with thanks to all who attended and to Yvonne for organising the venue and meal.