Support Your Local Bridleways

Free Membership

Click here for free membership of the Clee View Bridleways group and receive regular email updates on bridleway improvements, problems and plans.

Members can provide up to date information by email on the the bridleways they use and any problems that need addressing


Volunteer Help

Come and help us at one of our work parties. See Events and Work Party Calender on the right.


Donation towards costs of materials

If you enjoy riding/using local bridleways please consider making a donation towards their upkeep.

Every penny donated will be spent on maintenance/materials/improvements.

We are strictly volunteers only and can only continue the work if we have the necessary funds.

To provide a donation:-  we are currently setting up our own charity bank account to manage our funds. Once the account is set-up it will be possible to make a donation directly. In the meantime if you would like to make a donation then please email Chris ( and someone will contact you.



Provide sponsorship. We will include your details on our website

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