Change Of Bank

Following from the last post regarding our Lloyds Bank Account it looks like we may be able to move to Nat West which currently does not have a monthly charge for community groups.

We will start the process but before making the change we need to make sure that everyone is happy with a change of Bank.

Please let me know ASAP if you have any concerns or questions.


Clee View Bridleways Banking Charges!

From 14th Jan we are going to be charged £4.25/mth by Lloyds Bank to use our community Bank Account!

We only do a handful of transactions in a year and our account does not have much in it so an annual cost of £51 will soon eat into our funds. 

I have had a quick look around and there are not many free alternatives for non-registered community groups. Nat West seem to offer one but only for people with an existing Nat West account (I don’t have one). Metro appears to be an option but it looks like you have to go into a Branch and the nearest is Brieley Hill.

Please contact me if you have any thoughts?

Chris (Treasurer)

Quiz Night Success

Many thanks to everyone involved with the Quiz night on Saturday 17th June. It was a huge success with lots of laughs.

Through ticket sales and raffle we raised a total of £328 after taking off costs for the food and hall hire.

We now have enough money to be able to tackle a bridleway improvement project which we will discuss at our next meeting.


Save Mortimer Forest from log cabins

Mortimer Forest is a wonderful local place to ride and walk away from traffic and people. You are probably already aware but there is a threat to the forest with the proposed development of a holiday park with 68 log cabins. If you want to save the forest please sign the petition now.

More info can be found on –



Outdoor Partnerships annual user survey 2017-18

Please find below a link to the Shropshire User Survey for 2017-2018.

We really do need to get responses up from Equestrians.

Each member of a family can fill in a separate Survey as an Equestrian. They can also do a separate one, if they wish, for other disciplines like walking, as this would have different responses.

Equestrian responses were outnumbered last year by responses from cyclists.

In 2016 there were only 48 responses from Equestrians to the User Survey, and in 2017 this increased to 133.

At the end of October 2017 the BHS alone had 1,357 BHS members in Shropshire, with regionally 7,456 BHS members, with no doubt many equestrians on our borders who ride into Shropshire.

I know we all get fed up filling in these sorts of survey and not seeing any outcome but for 5 minutes effort we need to be doing this and get the numbers of responses up. This is an annual survey so please do fill it in, and pass the link on.

Follow the link below and click on the ‘How to get involved’ tab
