Shropshire Council outdoor recreation survey 2013

To help improve Shropshire Councils services they undertake an annual outdoor recreation satisfaction survey and they would like to hear from us. In these days of stringent financial measures your responses will help them identify key areas for maintenance and development.

The survey should only take about 15 minutes and is in three parts:

Part 1 is about Rights of Way (footpaths and bridleways maintained by Shropshire Council)

Part 2 is about Parks, play areas and countryside sites managed by Shropshire Council

Part 3 asks for details about yourself.

You can fill in either or both parts 1 and 2, but please complete part 3.

Below is a link to their short questionnaire.

The closing date for responses is 31st March 2013.

Facebook Page

We now have a Facebook page. Many thanks to Tanya for putting this together.

This has already proved a great way to get more people to know about the Clee View Bridleways Group and to promote our Quiz/Curry Night fund raising event on 9th Nov. We have had new people from both within the area and nearby get in-touch  All are welcome to come and help us by attending events, helping at work parties, providing sponsorship/donations or attending our meetings. We look to meeting with our new supports soon.

Promotion of Our Activities

A poster has been created to try to encourage more help/involvement from local riders with the theme “Your Bridleways Need You”. Click here for poster

We are also hoping to have an article in the Cleobury Clarion. The editor has been in-touch to see when we are next having a work party so he can take some pictures and put together an article.

Letter To Rights Of way Office

I sent this to Phil Betts today (, perhaps someone else might like to reiterate the message

Hi Phil,

I am writing to you as I am a horse rider in the Cleobury Mortimer/ Clee Hill area.
I have been riding regularly in the area for 30 years.

Firstly I wanted to thank you for covering the wood planks on Titford Bridge. It is now much better and safe in all weathers.

However the situation on the length of The Jack Mytton Way that I rode this week is not so good.
I am referring to the bottom end of Cramer Gutter in Oreton, between points 10 and 11 on your map of the Jack Mytton Way Route 8.
I know that you are aware that this area can be boggy ( I notice that you mention it in the leaflet). However in the last few weeks it has become treacherous and I honestly believe that it is very possible that someone could have a bad accident at the gate because it is so boggy.

It is as bad as I have ever known it to be now, despite the dry conditions everywhere else.

I know the Jack Mytton Way is a flagship path for Shropshire, but it is badly let down at this point, and if I was a visitor riding the path it would make me think twice about riding any other part of the route.

A local resident is of the opinion it is only a question of clearing the drainage channels that run next to the path, as the area always used to be much drier when the drains were running.

Perhaps you are in a position to do something, particularly as it is a long standing problem that could be easily fixed?

I look forward to hearing from you


Clare Ratcliff


And this is the reply I got on the same day!
Dear Ms Ratcliff

Thank you for raising this issue with Phil. As Access Maintenance Team
Leader it is more appropriate for me to respond to your concerns which is
why Phil has passed this to me. We share your concerns and specified what
work was needed here this winter with a local contractor who knows how the
drainage of this area works and how it can be fixed. Our advice is that it
is more complicated than clearing a few drains and some more extensive
works are needed. Ideally we would have started this work in this recent
dry period, but unfortunately our funding for this type of project was
removed due to the recent spending cuts. This is not to say that this will
not happen this year, but we are undergoing a team restructure of staff and
budgets, and until this is done I have no defined funds to carry out this
work. I am hoping that this situation will become more clear during June
and I will then know what funds we have available for this and similar
types of work.

In essence, we know what needs doing here and we know that it must be done
in the driest period of the year. We now just need the funds to continue.
I trust this information is of help and fingers crossed that we get some
funds to carry out the necessary work.


Richard Knight