Outdoor Partnerships annual user survey 2017-18

Please find below a link to the Shropshire User Survey for 2017-2018.

We really do need to get responses up from Equestrians.

Each member of a family can fill in a separate Survey as an Equestrian. They can also do a separate one, if they wish, for other disciplines like walking, as this would have different responses.

Equestrian responses were outnumbered last year by responses from cyclists.

In 2016 there were only 48 responses from Equestrians to the User Survey, and in 2017 this increased to 133.

At the end of October 2017 the BHS alone had 1,357 BHS members in Shropshire, with regionally 7,456 BHS members, with no doubt many equestrians on our borders who ride into Shropshire.

I know we all get fed up filling in these sorts of survey and not seeing any outcome but for 5 minutes effort we need to be doing this and get the numbers of responses up. This is an annual survey so please do fill it in, and pass the link on.

Follow the link below and click on the ‘How to get involved’ tab


7th April Quiz Night in aid of Lingen Davies Cancer Fund

Big Quiz Night and Raffle

From 7pm on 7th April 2017
At the Farlow and Oreton Village Hall
Come and support Andy Killey who is running in the London Marathon on 23rd April 17 to raise money for the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund

Baked potato and chilli (vegetarian option available )

Bring your own drink

£7.00 per person

All proceeds to the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, registered charity no1160922

If anyone is willing to contribute a quiz round they can contact me by email at andyhkilley@hotmail.com or ring or text on 07967049042

website update

A recent automatic security and compatibility update to the underlying website software for the Clee View Bridleway Group meant that the old website stopped working. I am in the process of updating the website to use this latest software. This will be much better for mobile devices and should provide a better system for the future but it will take some time for me to make all the changes.  Hopefully the key information will still be available and usable but please let me know if you are having problems.

Thanks Chris

Quiz 22nd Oct – Great success and thanks

Our fundraiser Quiz was a great success. We had 9 teams on the night and raised  £442.10! (Food costs to come in).

Many thanks to all who attended and a special mention and thanks to:

Paula, Gill and Sally for organising and preparing the ploughman’s supper and nibbles

Steve for donating the pork pie

Clare for donating the winners and booby prizes

Everyone who donated a raffle prize

Steph for her cash donation (she was not able to attend due to her own fundraiser event that night for the Nepal Appeal

Yvonne, Clare, Chris, Jo, Louise for organising the question rounds