2021 AGM and Meeting 22nd June 2021


John (Chairman), Chris, Jo, Sally, Philippa, Pete, Louise, Clare, Ted, Becky, Clare, Dan, Gemma


Yvonne, Steve, Gill, John, Sandra, Scilla

Previous AGM Minutes (see website):

These were approved by all attendees

Chairman’s Report:

Due to the pandemic and restrictions during 2020 and the first half of 2021 there were limited opportunities for any improvement projects. Small groups did manage to undertake some work including drainage and clearance work on route C (Detton – Prescott) and route A (Hinton) using stone we already had in store.

Thanks to all who helped and in particular John, Steve and Ted.

During 2020 the group committed over 28 hrs of volunteer work (not including meetings and informal work undertaken by individuals) plus 1hr digger work and 4hrs dumper work .


Balance as of 22nd June 2021 is £426.22. During last 12 mths we had an income of £150 council P3 grant.


Trustees – Chris proposed that all attending to be elected as Trustees (see Present for list of names, Seconded by Sally.

Chairman – John Sutton, Secretary/Treasurer – Chris Bargman

Proposed Lou, Seconded Ted.

The AGM was formally closed and the meeting then went on to discuss activities for 2021.

Meeting 22nd June 2021

Communications within Group

It was proposed to set up a Whatsapp group for the group. This could be used for members to share information on routes, work party dates, joint rides etc. All agreed this was a good idea.

ACTION: Clare to set up a group and invite those attending to the group.

BHS Bridleways Grant

Sally provided information she has researched on a grant available from the BHS including examples of grants from other bridleway groups. Grants of up to £5k are turned around within 4 weeks, over this takes longer.

All agreed that we should consider applying for this grant and put together a suitable project ASAP.

ACTION – Gemma to try to get further information on availability of funds from her contact within the BHS and send this to Chris.

ACTION Chris to froward his contact details to Gemma

ACTION: All to consider their top 2 improvement projects for review

Kinlet Estate Bridleways and Access

Clare has contacted the new owners (Green Knight Estates) on behalf of the group to try to get a dialogue started on improvements and some better joining up of routes on the estate. This could provide some excellent off-road rides for us to use.

ACTION: All to look for any opportunities to encourage this initiative via any contacts they may have.

Possible Larger Projects for 2021 and Grant Application

Factory Lane (D) – Needs improvements to drainage and clearance work.

ACTION: John, Ted to arrange a meeting to look at route and work out what is needed and notify the date via Whatsapp. Possible Grant.

Nunnery Lane K – Work has previously been done but flooding has caused further damage. It is usable but could be improved.

Crammer Gutter (G) and (F) – We have a draft specification for how the work on the Crammer Gutter field must be done from the Wildlife Trust.

All agreed to hold a work party to look at the route in detail and come up with a plan and possible grant application to improve this route.

ACTION: Chris to contact SWT and inform them we are planning to work on this route and if there is anything else we need to do.

ACTION: John to contact Caroline (Natural England) to discuss work on wildlife trust field.

ACTION: Clare to contact Ed to let him know about the work party.

Crammer Gutter Work Party Friday 25th June 6:30pm

Can park at Pips and start from bottom of route and work up. Target is to work out what needs to do and approximate costs for work at the bottom end and top end (across SWT field).

Work Parties For Other Routes

Hinton (A) and Keepers Cottage (R)

ACTION: John and Ted to use our mower and notify date for clearance parties using Whatsapp

Doctors Cottage (O) – Overgrown and difficult to find/use.

Cleeton Court (N) – Overgrown and concerns with Bridge

ACTION: Sally to email Chris with photos of bridge to forward to Council

ACTION: Gemma/Dan to suggest date for work party and notify via Whatsapp.

Wheathill and Other Local P3 Groups

In past have had difficulties on responsibility for bridleways on border with Wheathill area. We suspect this group may no longer be active. A quick check showed that we are the only P3 Bridleways group in the local area (emphasising the importance of what we are doing). Could look at some of the routes going this way in future as they can provide some nice quiet riding.