John, Yvonne, Steve, Chris, Jo, Kay, Clare, Pete, Louise,
Marce, Gill
Visit by Shropshire Council Byways Officer Tim Simmons
John has spoken to Tim and he is planning to visit us in couple of weeks time. We agreed that we should send him a list of our priority projects before the visit so that he has prior information.
We agreed the following:
Route R – Tittford Bridge – Need some more stone to continue below area already stoned last year. We will get permission for access if we can get council to provide stone.
Route M – Walters Lane – Look at this with Tim and see if council will do work (as this is a RUPP they are best to do this work, similar to route L on Silvington Common)
Route C – Detton Prescot – Ditch needs reinstating to improve drainage. You have previously made a visit.
Route G – Crammer Gutter (across top of field) – Have had discussions with SWT and agreed on principle of cross drains and clear out ditch. Will need stone to cover cross drains. Have someone local who may be able to provide digger work.
Route F – Crammer Gutter to bottom Withies Bank – Needs drainage ditches reinstated in wooded section. Need to get council to arrange this as land owner does not want us to do the work.
Route K – Nunnery Lane – If we can get council to provide stone then with small grant from Hopton Parish (£100) matched by our own funds we may be able to do some work on this.
Cleeton Court – Outstanding issue. Route has been blocked by barn and needs enforcement action to be taken by council.
Route P Hardwick Farm – Outstanding issue. Route has been blocked and needs enforcement action to be taken by council.
Also we would like to know how to access historical maps showing old paths as we have a couple of routes that we would like to reclaim as part of the “Lost Ways” project.
Action: Chris to email above to Tim.
Work Party
Friday 1st July 6pm to rehang gate and improve safety of access from Crammer Gutter onto Catherton Common.
John, Steve, Chris and Pete agreed to do this, John has a suitable post and high lift catch and will bring necessary tools. Chris to bring short length of stock fence.
Louise will provide a “we fixed this” laminated label.
Chris to email Carl Pickup SWT and inform them we are doing the work.
Proposed Future Work Party
Route C Detton Prescott. Need to fill in hollow at Prescott end with rubble/stone and clear overhanging branches (best done from dumper).
John has some suitable stone.
First job is to check pipe is flowing into catch pit. This may need to be cleared before starting work.
Action John/Steve to take digger and see how best to fix drainage pipe before taking stone and doing clearance work party.
Stand at F&O School Fete in September
Reminder we have booked a stand at the fete Saturday 10th September. Chris will provide some pictures we can put onto a map. Suggest we run a fund raising competition e.g. how many miles of Bridleway/Footpath are there on the map (will need a map distance measuring wheel)
Next Meeting – Tuesday 16th August 7:30 pm at Chris and Jo’s Portacabin (Mannerly Mutts HQ)
Topics – Feedback from meeting with Tim Simmons.
Arrange stand for Fete plus some ideas on fund raising we can publicise at the Fete.