The new permissive route joining the Jack Mytton Way onto the Common is now open (see map). This has been our major project for 2013 and has taken a significant investment in time and material.
In the past this route was regularly used by horse riders and walkers and allowed access between the the two sides of the common avoiding the road. Unfortunately changes in drainage from adjoing land has meant this route became impassable.
The Jack Mytton Way near to the gate off the common by The Mounts entrance had also become very wet and difficult to negotiate in anything but very dry weather.
The Clee View Bridleway Group sort agreement from the land owners (Shropshire Wildlife Trust) for this route to be made a permissive bridleway which was granted in 2012. This was a major project and required a significant investment in materials and equipment hire.

We submitted a project proposal to the Cleobury and Rural Local Joint Committee for a grant to help with the costs of the work which was approved in July 2013. This made the project possible so many thanks to them for their support.
Over 3 days solid hard work and long days (August 8th, 9th and 10th) Steve and John, with some help from Chris and Yvonne, have done a fantastic job in making this route safe and usable for horse riders and walkers.
Thanks must particularity go to John Sutton for putting so much of his own time and energy into this project. Thanks must also go to Steve Jones for his expert digger driving and great skill in making impassable wet ground safe whilst minimising any damage to the landscape and wildlife.
The route now needs signage and also some clearance work to make the route clear and safe. We will be organising a work party soon to complete this work.