John (Chairman), Chris, Jo, Sally, Philippa, Pete, Louise, Clare, Ted, Clare, Gill, Paula, Sandra, John, Clare, Matilda, Alison
Yvonne, Steve, Amelia, Julia
Previous AGM Minutes (see website):
These were approved by all attendees
Chairman’s Report:
Due to the pandemic and restrictions there were limited opportunities for any improvement projects. Small groups did manage to undertake some work including grass cutting and clearance work. A site meetings was held at Crammer Gutter to look at options to improve the route across the top of the field to meet the requirements of Natural England.
During 2021 the group committed over 44 hrs of volunteer work.
Thanks to all who helped and in particular John and Ted.
Balance as of 31st May 2022 is £576.22 During last 12 mths we had an income of £150 council P3 grant.
Trustees – Chris proposed that all attending to be elected as Trustees (see Present for list of names, Seconded by Sally.
Chairman – John Sutton, Secretary/Treasurer – Chris Bargman
Proposed Ted, seconded John
The AGM was formally closed and the meeting then went on to discuss activities for 2022
Meeting 31st May 2022
Communications within Group
A Whatsapp group has been setup for the group. This can be used for members to share information on routes, work party dates, joint rides etc. Contact Clare Ratcliff to join the group.
We also have the website where meetings and work parties are communicated and a Facebook group which can be used to share information
BHS Bridleways Grant
Sally researched this grant from the BHS last year and started an application for Crammer Gutter but did not have all the details on costs to complete it. She has checked and it still appears to be available. We should consider this if we have any suitable projects. Thanks to Sally for doing this.
Kinlet Estate Bridleways and Access
Clare is in contact with the new owners and will continue with gentle persuasion to try to get some of the routes joined up. This could provide some excellent off-road rides for us to use.
Routes and Possible Projects for 2022
(See map on website for location letters)
Also a reminder about the interactive map on the Shropshire council website which is excellent –
Factory Lane (D) – Colin and Claire have done clearance work but needs improvements to drainage around the gate. Note: Factory Lane is slippy for hoses and is best used going uphill or dismount and use a stone mounting block at the bottom on right hand of lane. Thanks to Colin and Clare for clearing on their land and also for the motorised grass cutter which we had had repaired and are using.
ACTION: Sunday June 12th there will be a site meeting to work out how best to improve the drainage and come up with a plan and costs. Meet at Factory Farm (bottom of lane).
ACTION: Chris to contact council byways about support (possibly stone). In past they have said they would do work on this.
Nunnery Lane (K) – Work has previously been done but flooding has caused damage. It is usable but could be improved at gate and down to brook on common.
Opposite Nunnery (T)- Awkward to use because of gates and livestock.
ACTION: Anyone using this route to make a note of any problems .
Crammer Gutter (G) and (F) – Top is useable when dry but the gate at top end is difficult use. We have a draft specification for how the work on the Crammer Gutter field must be done from the Wildlife Trust. Natural England do not anything done that may dry the field.
The route to the common is usable (particularly as this area has been recently cleared). The main issue is after the gate and brook up onto the common. This needs some drainage improvement, possibly a ditch along the higher side of the path leading down to the brook and some stone. Might need a site visit to see best option (it will be difficult to get a digger to this area).
ACTION: Anyone using this route to look at what is needed to improve gate at Ed’s end. Does it need a new post/gate?
ACTION: Chris to contact SWT and inform them we are planning to work on this route and if there are able to help.
Hinton (A) – some trees have been blown over blocking the route. Not sure if these have been cleared.
ACTION: Anyone using this route to check and report back on what needs doing.
Keepers Cottage (R) – Needs a clearance work party. Will leave any major clearance until later (after main bird nesting).
Doctors Cottage (O) – Not useable as it is near impossible to get across the brook. This would be a major project.
ACTION: Chris to contact Byways to inform them that this route is impassable at the brook.
Cleeton Court (N) – Overgrown and concerns with Bridge
ACTION: Sally/Paula to check and report back.
Corner of Walters Lane – Gates difficult to use and does get very wet. Would be useful if it was easy to use to avoid the road at the crossroads.
ACTION: Add this to list for council Byways to look at.
Stottesdon (P) – Need to check on usability
ACTION: Anyone going this way to check and report back.
Use of bridleway routes in our area
ACTION: Please use Facebook, WhatsApp or email Chris to notify us all of any issues you may find with the bridleways in our area.