Attendees: John , Chris, Pete, Louise, Yvonne, Steve, Sally, Alan
Apologies: Clare, Kay, Gill, Paula, Gill, Sandra, Jackie, Corinne
Detton – Prescott – Has been opened up with hedge cutter and some large stone put down in worst of holes. Now needs some small stone on top and ditch clearing in wood down to stream.
Action : John to keep chasing Council for stone.
Hinton – Urgently needs a clearance party as is very overgrown.
Action: Work party (see below)
Hill Houses – Not too bad but could do with overhanging branches cleared
Action: Work party (see below)
Nunnery – Could do with some drainage/improvement work near bottom. Still have option to get small amount of match funding from Hopton Parish council. If we can get some stone from council we could look at this.
Action : All to monitor and feedback
Walters Lane – Council started work. Waiting for digger to become available to order stone and finish work. They have promised to do this soon. Route has recently been damaged by 4×4’s . Only answer is to make up route with stone so that it becomes less of a “play ground” for inconsiderate off road users.
Action: Monitor and chase council if no progress in next few weeks
Top of Crammer Gutter Field – Still waiting for guidelines from Carl Pickup (SWT) on how they want the drainage to be done. (has been chased on a number of occasions). This has been dragging on for nearly 12mths and needs to be sorted before winter.
Action: Chris to chase SWT again and explain that P3 group not prepared to wait any longer to make this bridleway usable.
Titford Bridge – Needs some clearance work
Factory Lane to Detton-Prescott – Route by gate still gets very muddy and could do with some work.
Action: John to speak to new owners when he gets a chance to discuss how to improve this.
Green Shropshire Exchange Grant
Grant of upto £500 available. We might be eligible but need application in by end August.
Action: Louise to investigate and if looks an option contact John, Chris and Clare to look at submitting an application for Crammer Gutter project.
General Publicity and Awareness
Clare is working on a poster we can use to publicise our work. We should also make sure we put up a Clee View Bridleway Group did this poster when we do a work party.
Action: Clare to circulate poster which people can use to promote our work
Action: Chris to get some “we did this” posters done to put up on routes we work on
Work Parties
We agreed to run a work party on the next 3 consecutive Sundays starting at 10am
Sunday 30th July – A – Hinton route. Meet at Hinton end
Sunday 6th August – Will agree on which routes when people have notified us of availability
Sunday 13th August- Will agree on which routes when people have notified us of availability
Routes to be covered are –
A – Hinton – General clearance
M – Hill Houses (clear overhanging branches etc.) and K – Catherton Common (clear back gorse and widen route across common from road to 3 springs
Y – Cleeton to Clee Hill – Sign Posts
R – Tittford Bridge – Clearance
Action: Chris to email all and ask that they support at least one work party and let him know which dates they can help and coordinate with John.
Fund Raising
Agreed to hold a fun quiz late Autumn similar to other years
Next Meeting
September to organise Quiz. Meeting date to be agreed closer to time.