2017 AGM – 29th March 2017


John Sutton (Chairman), Chris & Jo Bargman, Kay Matthews, Clare Ratcliff, Beverley Taylor, Corinne Griffiths, Jackie Knight, Sally and Alan Barnaby, Paula Porter, Gill Eyre, Jon Nock, Sandra Wright


Yvonne Jones, Steve Jones, Pete Brown, Louise Killey, Olwen Law

Previous Minutes (see website):

These were approved by all attendees

Chairman’s Report:

Improvement work was undertaken on the route C – Detton Prescott and A – Hinton plus some sign posting, clearance work and improvements to gates on various other routes. We did not take on any major new projects as the most important work  had been successfully completed previous year. Refer to website for list of activities and projects undertaken during 2016-2017. A total of 100 hours of volunteer support work plus 12 hours digger and 12 hours dumper work was undertaken. We also had a very successful Quiz fund raiser (see treasurer report) plus a meeting and discussion on the “Lost Routes – Restoring The Record” initiative.

There were various communications/meetings with Council and we were promised that they would undertake major improvement work to route M – Walters Lane plus a number of other routes (see notes from Meeting 24th Nov 2016). So far this has not been done. John has recently spoken to Richard and was informed money had been set aside for Walters Lane. Any spare stone could be used on other routes (Detton).

We are still waiting for a report from Carl Pickup of the Shropshire Wildlife Trust on Route G (top of Cramer Gutter field) on how this can be improved.


Petty Cash Account

Item Cost Income
Sep-16 Fete 34
Oct-16 Quiz
Donation 40
Wine sales 7
Raffle 73.1
Teams 322
Food 50
Digger & Dumper 200
Digger & Dumper 180
Totals 430 476.1
Mar-17 Petty Cash Balance 46.1

Bank Account

Date Debit Credit Balance
20/02/2017 150 378.46 Council Grant
28/04/2016 288 228.46 Digger Work

We have a total balance as of 29th March of 378.46 (bank)+ 46.10(petty cash)


Trustees – Chris proposed that all attending to be elected as Trustees (see Present for list of names

Seconded by Clare Ratcliff

Chairman – John Sutton

Secretary/Treasurer – Chris Bargman

Proposed Kay, Seconded Jo

Tesco Funding

Groups can apply for funding. Looks like we are eligible. Will need to be for a project e.g Nunnery Lane.

Jo will investigate.

Shropshire Council 

Survey – All to complete (needs to be done by end March)

Outdoor recreation has new website and a useful interactive map (see Useful Links page one our website)


Crammer Gutter – Still waiting for info from SWT. Chris to chase.

Walters Lane – John/Chris to chase council

Corner of Crossroads – review after Walters Lane has been done.

Nunnery Lane – Will try to tackle this summer. Could use small grant from Hopton Parish Council. Also look at clearing the route from road opposite Nunnery lane.

Detton – Tree has fallen and been cut but needs tidying. Richard W. was going to look at this. Need to make livery yard at his farm aware of work we do.

Clare agreed to create a poster we can print off and put up publicising the work we do.

Route  from Cleeton over hill – need to do more way marking. Could start from top of hill. Work party when dried up a bit.

Oreton Riders, Runners & walkers Facebook Group. Local group, use to notify of any informal rides.

Shropshire Bridleways & Carriage Driving Forum – 5th June at Shire Hall. Gill is planning to attend. Good opportunity to meet up with council reps.


AGM was closed with thanks to attendees and to Chris and Jo for hosting the event

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