Meeting 16th August – Minutes & Actions


John, Yvonne, Steve, Chris, Jo,  Clare, Beverley, Gill, Paula, Sally


Marce, Gill, Pete, Louise, Kay

Visit by Shropshire Council Byways Officer

In spite of emails and phone calls we have still not had response with a date for a visit.

ACTION: Chris to resend email sent listing projects to discuss at visit and copy to Richard Knight and to outdoor.recreation email address and request  a response.


Route R – Tittford Bridge – Access field has now been seeded so will need to leave this until next year.

Route G – Crammer Gutter (across top of field)

ACTION: Chris to chase Carl Pickup for a document outlining recommendations for drainage to keep water flowing onto the field.

Hill Houses to The Firs – A workparty has done some clearance work on this. Also need to look at the route onto the common which could do with some clearance.

Gate on Route Q Gordon Poyners field. This was improved but needs looking at again as is difficut to open/close

ACTION: John to check gate

Lost Ways

Gill has “loaned us” Restoring Rights Of Way book produced by the BHS.

ACTION: Sally to review this and present back a summary of what we need to do at next meeting

ACTION: Chris/John to chase council for access to old maps to review any potential lost ways at future meeting

Farlow School Fete Sat 10th Sept

Clare has paid for our stand (thanks to Clare)

Competition to guess miles of bridleway and footpaths in Farlow Parish from a large scale map. 50p per go. Prize -Lunch voucher for 2 at Bakers of Tower Street, Ludlow

ACTION : Chris/Pete to calculate approx number of miles using large map

ACTION: Paula to arrange a voucher for the prize

ACTION: Yvonne/Steve to provide a table

ACTION: Clare to provide fold up display boards. (Clare can provide a Gazebo if needed)

ACTION: Chris to print out a large “logo”

ACTION: Chris/Clare to meet prior to Fete to compile display material

ACTION: All to provide Clare/Chris with any interesting photos from routes in our area we can post on a map

ACTION: All to share the manning of our stand during the day

Quiz Fundraiser

Aim to hold a quiz in October, use Cleeton VH for a change. Committee members to each do a round. Provide a ploughman’s or similar. Aim to promote this at fete.

ACTION: Yvonne to check 21,22 Oct for Cleeton VH

ACTION: All to check if there are any other Quizes planned in local area for Autumn

ACTION: All to reserve 21/22 Oct (will confirm before Fete)

Escorted Ride (fund raiser)

John is looking at running an escorted ride 3rd Sept starting at New Inn (can park on his field).

ACTION: John to confirm details for escorted ride

ACTION Clare to put on facebook and Chris to contact SSRC and ask them to put on facebook site

Work Party 19th August

Waymakers needed on route Y .

Meet at Sally’s (Jill Wilson’s old place) Friday 19th August at 6:30pm. John to bring posts, markers, basher etc.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 20th Sept Well Farm 7:30pm

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