General Issues:
Crammer Gutter and Catherton Common – Route F
Complaint received about riders cutting corner at Lower Marshes.
Route across top of Crammer Gutter field Route G very wet.
Gate at top of field difficult. Needs new post and re-hanging.
Gate onto common no longer stays open if pushed fully open. Also would help if had a long reach latch handle.
Broken style dangerous
ACTION: Chris and Pete will clear overhanging branches by Lower MArshes and look at gate hanging and remove broken style (not needed)
ACTION: Chris to discuss route and issues at meeting with SWT on 10th June
ACTION: John to contact Tim to see if we can get some more latch extension kits
Detton- Prescott – Route C
Need to top up stone at Prescott end where we did original drainage work.
Need to cover exposed drainage pipe at Detton end
Overhanging branches need clearing back
ACTION: Review with Tim Simmons and see if we can get some stone supplied.
Cleeton Court – Route N
ACTION: Gill will check and report back on the state of the rutting caused by Quod use.
Callow Lane to Ripplets
2 gates on route need re-hanging. Will probably need new posts
ACTION: John to see if we can get posts from Tim and then agree with landowner (Robert Whiteman) if we can do work on this.
Tangles (Hill Houses lower route) Route M
ACTION: Next time someone in area check on state of route and report back.
Permissive Route behind The Green – J to K
Needs ditch clearing by The Green.
ACTION: Chris to raise with SWT
Fund Raising
Suggestion to hold a Fun Summer Garden Party as a social/fund raise. Not looking to make this a major event but something for locals and local riders to come along and have a social event.
Venue – Upper Marshes
Proposed Date – Sunday 12th July starting 2:00pm
Charges – £5 including high tea (£2 under 10’s)
Donations of cakes will be required
If too wet may be able to use barn at Well Farm
Jackie will do some posters and Jo will talk to Jim (Cleobury Clarion)
ACTION: All to check diaries and feedback ASAP if this is/is not suitable.
ACTION: All to promote locally
ACTION: Contact Chris with any ideas for suitable outside garden games/provide equipment eg. boules set etc.