Following are the key points from the joint meeting with the Village Hall Committee on 20th Nov. Thanks to Lucy for chairing the meeting and producing the notes.
- There will be an equal split of expenses/profit (please keep a record of any expenses you incur)
- Skittle alley booking is confirmed
- Lucy has laminated the posters and put up approx 20 around the local area and has also has painted and put up the sign boards ( Click here for the Poster , please feel free to print off and display if you see a suitable spot)
- James has sent off the application and £21 fee to the local authority for the alcohol licence
- James will buy the drink for the bar on sale or return
- We will hold a Christmas raffle, please could everyone dig out donations for the raffle and deliver these to Gill and John’s house
- James will man the bar
- John will be door man and collect entry fee
- Geoff to referee and score the skittles competition, we will have teams of 6 people taking it in turns to play (easier/quicker to get people up one team at a time than individuals) There will be a small prize for the winning team
- Lucy will ask Ben & Dan Link if they will act as “skittle boys”
- There will also be darts, pool, dance mat and pin the nose on the reindeer- Lucy & Chris will supervise these
- Cakes and puds will be available for sale, any keen bakers/pudding makers to bring these. Louise is buying paper/plastic bowls for this to save on the washing up
- Val will sell the raffle tickets
- Jim and John will arrange collection of skittle alley on the Saturday and return on the Sunday
- Helpers to meet at 12.00 on the day to prepare the hall, put up Christmas decorations, tables chairs, games etc and on Sunday to help with clearing up please
- Event to start at 8pm
Please encourage anyone you know (particularly if they benefit from the work done by the Bridleways Group i.e. any local horse riders) to come along.