Meeting Minutes 3rd June 2014

Attendees: John, Chris, Pete, Kay, Louise, Gill

Apologies: Clare, Olwen, Steve, Yvonne, Jo, Marcelle

Main purpose of meeting was to prioritise projects and urgent work parties for this year.

Feedback from those unable to attend was presented.

Currently have £630 in account. Proposal to ask local Parish Councils for a donation. F&O do this with other voluntary/charity organisations and would  be receptive. Hopton would probably be same.

With help from council (stone, digger) we should be able to do some useful projects with these funds and spend it. We also have a roll of pipe and a small amount of stone in stock.

Priorities agreed were:-

Detton – Prescott (Route C)

Branch needs removing (will need chin saw), clearance and drainage improvements to sections not already done.

Need a site survey to work out what will be needed – Equipment, stone, drainage pipe etc.


Factory lane – Detton/Prescott (Route D)

Site survey to see what we would recommend is done and then discuss with council/land-owner.


Titford Bride – Keepers Cottage (Route R)

Clearance around bridge/mounting blocks, clear fallen tree, rope on gate.

Need site survey to look at ways to improve dangerous going through exposed tree roots.


Winterdyne – Hinton (Route A)

Section we have not done is very bad (made worse by over use by Hunt in winter).

Needs old drain lifting and new french drain installed.

Need site survey.


Bank Top Farm  – Cleobury (Route S)

Overgrown and narrow. Needs improving for benefit of riders and walkers. Could see if we could get support from Parish Council (Neen Savage/Cleobury)


Cleeton St Mary onto Hill (Route Y)

Need to finish off marking route. John has the markers ready to install. Can use Jill Wilson’s for access.


We agreed to tackle the first 3 ASAP and combine 2 work parties with site surveys. We can take photographs and email them with our report to council and ask for their help.

Work Parties

Friday 6th June – 6:00pm (Route C and D)

Meet Detton End. Bring loopers etc. for general clearance and chain saw. Survey both routes.

Friday 13th June – 6:00pm (Route R)

Meet Detton End. Bring loopers etc. for general clearance and chain saw. Bring String for gate. Survey route.

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