Work Party Saturday 23rd Feb 10:00 – 12:00

Work party before nesting season starts to clear permissive route at back of The Green and route from new gate to 3 springs (Route K).

Hope to get a good turn out and then we should be able to finish in no more than a couple of hrs.

Please bring gloves, loppers, brush cutters, saws etc.

Meet 10:00am on the car park at The Mounts unless you hear otherwise.

Contact Chris 01299 270514 for directions


Path Clearance Work Party (Needed Before 1st March)

I have now received confirmation from SWT that we can start work on the permissive route behind The Green and the route from the new bridleway gate by The Green across to the 3 Springs (route K). The paperwork for the permissive route has been signed by the relevant people in SWT.

I know winter still is very much with us but we do need to do any major vegetation clearance projects before 1st March (to avoid nesting season). I propose we have work party on Saturday 23rd or Sunday 24th Feb say 10:00 to 12:00. We can discuss at our meeting on the 20th and confirm date then.

Please try to help.